Project Nr.018
2015, 완공
Mangroo (Watchtower)
서울혁신파크 아트 프로젝트
Seoul Innovation Park Art Project
쓰임새 없이 소멸해 가는 낡고 작은 공간이었던 망루를 설치 작업을 통해 시민참여와 소통의 공간으로 재구성하였습니다.
사소하게 여겨지는 작은 공간에서
오히려 큰 가치를 발견하는 사색과 치유의 공간이 되고, 제한된 공간과 시각에서 벗어나 나와 이웃, 자연을 만나게 하는 공간예술을 시도합니다.
협업_언사이트 (이창훈, 이원호, 신경섭)
Collaboration_Unsite (Chang-Hoon Lee, Won-Ho Lee, Kyung-Sub Shin)
Project Nr.018
2015, 완공
미라지 파빌리온
Mirage Pavilion
서울혁신파크 이동도서관
Seoul Innovation Park Mobile Library
Mirage Pavilion broods and reflects the surrounded nature on the curved stainless steel panel. Juxtaposed objects reflects but the surface translates the images to a wavy pattern like painting. By reflecting surrounding, the pavilion absorbs and enriches the scenery to a mirage. Inside the pavilion, the visitors can experience a sense of the forest. The authentic tree trunks serve as seats and bookshelves. An old pine tree can be observed from inside through the transparent glass ceiling.
파이프 파빌리온, 2015, 완공
Pipe Pavilion
서울혁신파크 이동도서관
Seoul Innovation Park Mobile Library
Project Nr.018
The most unique feature of the pipe pavilion is the vertical stripes of exterior material. The scaffolding tubes, which are often used at construction sites, are colored and attached. The concept was inspired from vertical tree trunks inside the park. Through the bright colored pipes, it brightens and vitalize the surrounding. From inside, the colored pipes and surrounding environments are well mixed it still gives protected atmosphere.
Project Nr.018
2015, 완공
블록 파빌리온
Block Attached Pavilion
서울혁신파크 이동도서관
Seoul Innovation Park Mobile Library
The block attached pavilion can be described as a parasitic pavilion. By being parasitic to an old existing building, it revitalizes and gives attention to the public. The name of the existing building is 'Miraechung', and currently largest facility building of the site. It visually overwhelms and not yet friendly to users by its incongruous 6 storey high volume. The pavilion attaches to the building in a tilted angle, which breaks the huge volume into a human scale. The brick wall of Miraechung can be seen from inside and used as the main exhibition wall. This pavilion is intended for library, exhibition area, meeting area, and others.
Project Nr.018
2015, 완공
서울혁신파크 내 사인물
Seoul Innovation Park Signage
멤브레인 파빌리온, 2015, 완공
Membrane Pavilion
서울혁신파크 이동도서관
Seoul Innovation Park Mobile Library
Project Nr.018
The membrane pavilion was, originally, designed as a luxury glamping tents but then modified and implemented for the public mobile library project. The original concept was inspired from a flower bud, which grows on the surface of the rock. The curvilinear structures express traditional lyricism and dynamism of modern Korea. The pavilion gives aesthetic emergence as a sculpture during the day, while lightens around at night time like a lantern
Project Nr.019
2015 - present
Project Nr.011
2015 - present
가평 바위숲
Rock Forest
주거, 카페 및 숙박시설
Residential, Cafe and Accommodation
Project Nr.016
2014 - present
삶의 환영, welcome 그리고 illusion
Welcome and Illusion
Art project
우리는 “삶의 환영”이라는 이야기를 통해 “삶을 환영(歡迎 | welcome)하고, 삶을 환영(幻影 | illusion)”하는 작업을 하고 싶다. 장소의 죽음이 삶의 탄생이 되는 것을 환영(歡迎 | welcome)한다. 그 죽음을 기리며 영정사진을 남기는 것과 같은 작업, 예전의 삶을 환영(幻影 | illusion)하는 내외부에서의 작업이 진행된다.
이 작업은 건축, 영상예술 그리고 음악의 세 분야가 함께 우리에게 삶의 소통이 있었음을 그리고 있음을 그리고 소통이 이어지기를 바라는 내용이다. 서로 다른 분야들이 문화라는 하나의 이름 안에서 이야기하고자 한다.
협업_이창훈(예술), 심혜선(바이올린), 심혜원(첼로)
Collaboration_Chang-Hoon Lee (Art), Hye-Sun Sim (Violin), Hye-Won Sim (Cello)
Project Nr.012
2014 - present
건축, 예술을 품다
Architecture Embracing Art
Art project
This is a common project for the creation of an architectural sculpture with the function of a pavilion and combining the unique design with the abstract paintings by Karel Stoop. As a result of a mutual inspiration surged the idea to develop a unique combination of architecture with abstract painting in the form of a sculptural pavilion that involves a functional and poetic structure embracing abstract painting that covers the whole interior of the pavilion and that is adapted at the same time to the sculptural presence of the architectural structure that bears the conjunction.
The round protecting construction, the open contact to the sky, the abstract paintings and the sitting area in the middle. Combination of elements to a new experience, where visitors are not only in the space or watching artworks.
협업_카렐 스툽 (예술)
Collaboration_Karel Stoop (Art)
Project Nr.013
2014 - present
Schauspiel Insel
복합주거단지계획 및 조경계획
Residential Complex
with Landscape Approach
The project is planned at the fi lm and sea famous city, Busan, which conjugates the natural level differences within the site. The existing proposal by previous developer
was planned to place one massive building, which did not provide any connectivity to the shore nor the sea, whereas we revealed the surrounding environment and provided
easy access to the shore.
The Gate Building at the entrance and shoreline park have public character. These spaces were planned for interview with fi lmmakers, exhibitions, cafes and presentation
purpose. It has the appearance of a small external museum and place for the art installation.
The overlooking possibilities to the sea from each divided parcels were reflected from the beginning of the master
plan process. The public park along the road
was emphasized.
We focused on harmonizing between public and private spaces and at the same time, people could experience the sea and culture.
Gate Building in Park Avenue / 24 Private Residences & 66 Cluster Housing Units along the Sea Avenue
Project Nr.014
2014, 완공
카페 베지가든광주첨단지구
Cafe VegeGarden
레노베이션 / 브랜딩
Renovation / Branding
“The brightest space can be experienced during the day, though, becomes the darkest at night”
In the commercial space, a place was thought, where artifi cial light does not exist and people can sense the natural time. It is a small outer space, yet gives a great influence and impact to the rest of the inner space. We, as an architect, pursue to offer space and environment, which becomes an
art work itself.
A branding project called ‘Vegegarden Cafe’ was a commercial building renovation project. Because of its low ceiling and wide depth, there was difficulties of bringing natural light into the space and to ventilate. The ceiling was drilled and opened to outside next to the vertical circulation between ground and fi rst fl oor. This simple act changed the environment by 180 degrees.
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
Project Nr.009
2014, 완공
화이트 큐브 망우
White Cube Mangwoo
Multi-Family Housing
‘White Cube, Mangwoo’ is located on east side of Seoul and overlooks beautiful mountains. After the cancellation of the redevelopment plan, old houses were demolished
and non-Architecture based contractors started their business. These development activities seek purely on economic purpose, rather than considering or experimenting for better living environment or its quality.
It cause social problem as much as large scaled apartment development.
White cube, Mangwoo is a small 4 stories multifamily housing, which has site area of 125㎡ and total net area of 200㎡. The surrounded buildings are also located on small site area with minimum distance. This resulted the residents diffi cult to open windows for view to outside and ventilation.
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
Project Nr.005
2013, 완공
지층사무실 건축공방
Ground Floor Office
작업공간 | 오피스
Working Area | Office
R. Gliere eight Duets Op.39 played by HyeSun Sim & HyeWon Sim
Project Nr.004
Space Recipe
Space Experiment
Project Nr.003
2013, 완공
글램핑 아키글램 2013년형 모델
Glamping in Korea ,
ArchiGlam Model 2013
Leisure as Culture
The word ‘Glamping’ was introduced over 10 years ago in Korea but its meaning was misappropriated in terms of quality. Instead of glamorous camping, low quality tents
were installed and profi teered.
We came to a mind of creating Glamping, which gives people chances to experience the nature even closer, while providing place to experience uniquely designed architecture and comforts. A place, where nature, ecological values, comfort and modern design are equally balanced.
This concept led to the creation of Glamping Architecture in Korea.The Glamping units are juxtaposed with a minimum change of the nature. The basic concept of ‘Stacking Doughnut’ was inspired from pebble stones. The arrangement of the tents have poetic emotion of finding pebble stones in the nature.
The shape of the Landscape/nature has highest design character and we reflected this while planning the masterplan. We named each units with different names such as sea, dessert, creek, mountain, cave, forest,river and the city.
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
사진 임준영작가 Photography by June Young LIM
Project Nr.002
무등산의 별
Stars in Mudeung Mountain
Project Nr.001
2013, 완공
한국아파트의 혁신적 진화
Revolutionary Evolution
of Korean Apartment
아파트 레노베이션
Apartment Renovation
한국 아파트에 적용한 새로우면서 오래된(?) 아이디어는 베란다 공간을 되살려 주는 것이다. 첫번째 미학적인 면에서 외부와 내부의 연결을 주는 것이다. 베란다는 햇살, 바람, 빗물이 노닐 수 있는 공간이며, 눈이 쌓일 수 있는 장소로써 사계절을 느끼는 공간으로 체험된다. 두번째 기술적인 면에서 고온다습한 여름에 직접적인 햇볕을 차단하고, 처마 밑 그늘을 통해 식혀진 공기의 순환이 내부로 이루어지게 한다. 이는 직사광선이 그대로 들어오는 확장형에서 나타나는 에어컨 과용으로 인한 에너지 소비를 줄이는 효과를 준다. 또한 겨울에 발생하는 결로 현상이 없어진다. 더불어 채광과 환기를 좋게 개선 한다. 이러한 효과를 위해서는 좋은 단열이 가능한 시스템 창호의 설치가 전제되어야 한다. 사진 문덕관 (Lamp on the moon)
경기도 시흥시에 위치한 23평형 아파트의 리모델링은 공간의 미학과 과학적 이론을 바탕으로 진행된 실험적인 작업이다. 주거 리모델링의 기본은 생활하는 사람이 건강하게 살 수 있는 환경과, 또 미학적으로 아름다움을 주어 살고 싶은 공간을 제공해주는 것이라고 생각한다.
한국 아파트에 적용한 새로우면서 오래된(?) 아이디어는 베란다 공간을 되살려 주는 것이다. 첫번째 미학적인 면에서 외부와 내부의 연결을 주는 것이다. 베란다는 햇살, 바람, 빗물이 노닐 수 있는 공간이며, 눈이 쌓일 수 있는 장소로써 사계절을 느끼는 공간으로 체험된다. 두번째 기술적인 면에서 고온다습한 여름에 직접적인 햇볕을 차단하고, 처마 밑 그늘을 통해 식혀진 공기의 순환이 내부로 이루어지게 한다. 이는 직사광선이 그대로 들어오는 확장형에서 나타나는 에어컨 과용으로 인한 에너지 소비를 줄이는 효과를 준다. 또한 겨울에 발생하는 결로 현상이 없어진다. 더불어 채광과 환기를 좋게 개선 한다. 이러한 효과를 위해서는 좋은 단열이 가능한 시스템 창호의 설치가 전제되어야 한다. 사진 문덕관 (Lamp on the moon)
Project Nr.012
2014 - present
건축, 예술을 품다
Architecture Embracing Art
Art project
This is a common project for the creation of an architectural sculpture with the function of a pavilion and combining the unique design with the abstract paintings by Karel Stoop. As a result of a mutual inspiration surged the idea to develop a unique combination of architecture with abstract painting in the form of a sculptural pavilion that involves a functional and poetic structure embracing abstract painting that covers the whole interior of the pavilion and that is adapted at the same time to the sculptural presence of the architectural structure that bears the conjunction.
The round protecting construction, the open contact to the sky, the abstract paintings and the sitting area in the middle. Combination of elements to a new experience, where visitors are not only in the space or watching artworks.
협업_카렐 스툽 (예술)
Collaboration_Karel Stoop (Art)